Thursday, November 7, 2019

Your Natural Abilities

I was asked one day if I thought I was qualified to take the test to become a Psychologist. The answer is yes. We each possess an inherent ability. In cultivating your natural born talents, you must also possess confidence. It would be impossible to help anyone if you do not have confidence in yourself.

In taking over 250 courses in psychology, I discovered by using Freud’s theory of the psychological phenomena, that an awakening can manifest your inherent ability. I discovered the Spiritual Awakening. A spiritual awakening, is the increasing of awareness and awakening of the mind by being aware of the world around you. One must also take this very seriously and have good intentions with others.

In addition to taking courses in Psychology, I also studied the bible. It helped me become clandestinely or consciously aware of myself and all others in the world. I began to understand the power of the mind in relation to thought and the world around me. I started to be in tune with the sound of my own voice, so I knew my own thoughts. This is how I can share and teach, by way of a multitude of experiences.
God creates us in his likeness and image. He hears all, sees all and knows all. Don't you think if you believe in God and are his child he would give you the ability to be as he is? Don't say you believe in him and think you are crazy. You lie if you say you believe the bible. God makes no mistakes. HIS LIKENESS! Senses are the Mind.

The mind causes many things in life to be so. It causes us to do excel, advance, and gives increase and magnifies us. The mind allows us to make proper judgments and perceive things with our senses. Discernment, intuition and the ability to perceive all things the mind can do.
The ability to observe or exercise the mind gives you a comprehension or ability to heed or understand things in life. It is the purpose for you to use your perception for intellectual activities which is a device of mind to use for thought.

You become clandestinely or consciously aware of yourself and all others in the world. You begin to understand the power of the mind in relation to thought and the world around you. You start to be in tune with the sound of your own voice, so you know your own thoughts.

The mind and conscience are interchangeable. The conscience gives you the ability to make correct moral computations or use your reasoning. You also can use your imagination as a form of thought. It is with the consciousness we can create a better world. You should always have positive thoughts and expect positive in your life. ALWAYS!

In using the mind, you must learn to be wise in word and act. You are to use the mind to teach wisdom and to make or show yourself to be wise. You are also to deal wisely with others; also, learning in from your mistakes. In life, there are a series of lessons we learn. We use those things to make more correct calculations in other circumstances. We are to exceed our own expectations in life and not someone else's. To thy own self be true. One must learn to rise above their past self to achieve remarkable things.

One must become delighted in things that bring pleasure. However, there is a fine line where pleasure is concerned. Your pleasure could be someone else's pain. Be sure to ask someone what this means to them to avoid any confusion. You should become more willing to seek pleasurable things as you learn and grow in life.

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