Thursday, December 4, 2014


The word determination means many things to me. It has healed me of pains from the past and helped me focus on the future. You must know what you want and where you are going. You cannot spend your time worrying about what others think, or if they will accept you.

Determination is the childhood I overcame. It is the times I was afraid and abused by my grandfather. The tears I shed because I was vulnerable. It is the taunting of other children because they were not raised right. The jealousy within the family unit, that continued allowing years of abuse.

We each experience life in different ways. It just so happens mine was different than yours. Reflecting back upon the past, is not a means to practice self pity or blame, but to smile at the resilience I possess. I smile at the things that were meant to break me. The people that came into my life and I chose to turn away from them.

We can continue down a path that is not healthy for us or we can follow our hearts. It is ultimately our choice. Determination has made me a better woman. I choose what I want in life. I cannot allow other people to choose for me. I see how I have in past accepted things because others said it is how things should be done. NO MORE!

I often wondered why I saw things so differently than others. I was not like everyone. I was always going against the status quo. I find I have had a history of keeping things real. Doing what was expected was not always in my best interest. I would often rock the boat.

I recall my determination to have nice things in life. I have had and lost , but I have continued to try. I know the life others say I should have, is not acceptable to me. I was born wealthy. I deserve all the best life has to offer. I don't believe poverty makes us better people. That is a form of limitation religion teaches.

I was once a religious zealot, but saw how those thoughts placed limits on my ambition. Determination to achieve greatness, cannot be accomplished with a limited mindset. If you keep an open mind about all things, you will see things from a completely different perspective. Life begins to take on a new form.

Remembering making bad decisions, I am determined to make better ones. Bad choices in relationships has showed me to be more attentive and not disregard the obvious signs seen in the very beginning. I think my desire for love in the past, made me more sustainable to overlook things.

I now see that if a person doesn't help to add to you and encourage you to follow your dreams, they are not for you. It is easy to be with someone that has little ambition and wants you to live a simple and mediocre life. However, if a person truly cares for you they will visualize your dreams with you. That is a real connection.

Determination is my getting over being raped. I remember feeling ashamed. Things take form within your mind, but you must replace these things with positive end encouraging thoughts; to motivate yourself. I am not saying this is easy. You must know you are worthy of better things and heal yourself daily.

Determination to see beauty, where there seems to be darkness and sorrow; is a sign you have been awakened and enlightened. You have the power to overcome anything. Think BIG! It is not for you to allow any circumstances to stop you from reaching for the stars. All things are possible.

Being strong during times of adversity is another form of determination. Will you allow someone else's
interpretation of you to hinder your progress? I recall many strange things happening. People have in past attempted to encourage my direction, I chose to go the opposite way. 

I have chosen to be positive and see my future in abundance and prosperity. Your goals change as you begin to see all the possibilities available in life. You must consciously decide to have a better life. It doesn't matter where you came from, only where you desire to go. Why should you care what others think of you?
It cannot and will not change who you are. That is what matters.


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