Wednesday, March 4, 2015

When We Talk To God

What are the things that have your attention?
Is your focus on Spiritual Things or Earthly Things?

It is said where your affections are, your attention and focus are. While we do live on earth and must focus on our present; there are things far more valuable we should be focusing on. We each want to live a better life. I have discovered the best way to do that, is 
The Word of God.

To prosper and accomplish the things we truly desire in life, we must work on prospering our soul. We must be able to control our mind, emotions and our will. I will be the first to admit, this is not an easy task. There are many experiences in life, that we must use to exceed our own expectations. To do this is impossible, without the Word of God operating and being alive inside you.

There was once a time I was
 On Fire for God. I will admit, I allowed life and evil to distract me from my focus. We will be tried, tested and tempted in life; its a part of our journey. I think the biggest thing that contributed to my pain, was searching for Love, in all the wrong places and at the wrong times.

We are emotional creatures and can be led by them. I had to learn that the hard way. I don't depend on a human for happiness. God is my first love. I no longer think of another as being a bad person. I truly see now, they were just not the right person for me. 

Once you meet that one person, that touches your soul, you just know. That special person can make you smile even in pain, from many miles away. I was always searching for something to complete me. When I established my relationship with God, that was when I saw who I was. I got 
knowledge and understanding for how beautiful HE is.

The spirit speaks to each of us that believe, in a different manner. It would be almost impossible to explain or even share some of the beautiful things we discover, when we listen. "Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing, by the Word of God". 
There are two functional laws, in thee world of the Spirit:
1. The law of sin and death
2. The law of spirit of Life

Each of these world were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. It is faith that makes the spirit world function. Spiritual things sound foolish to a carnal mind. One would have to desire God and be hungry for things of the spirit, to understand.

I will be the first to admit, I was once one of those nay sayers. I had no desire to change. I thought I had it all figured out. That was when I was at my worst.. I had many material things, but I was lost, depressed and searching for happiness. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things; but I found that happiness comes form within.

At this very moment, I continue to search for God first. In doing this, he knows what I desire. I have NO doubt, he will give me those things. I trust in HIM. Till next time, "Seek the Kingdom of God and All will be added unto you". Those words are really true.

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