Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Winning The Mind Game

Winning the Mind Game
Many things we are unfamiliar with, tend to cause doubt and disbelief. There is truth in many things. If things were impossible, then why would they be in existence?
I find though experience, there are truly endless possibilities. When you learn to incorporate Spirituality, Holistic Beliefs, Science and Technology together; things become clearer. Conflicting thoughts lose their effectiveness, when you learn to focus on things beneficial to you. There are many theories in Psychology. I clearly see many theories, in past have not been proven true.
Several things I have been exposed to recently, have shown me there is a fine line between man’s interpretation (Science) and God’s Gifts (Spiritual Gifts). There is
Scientific evidence as well as Biblical knowledge that many things are in the form of a psychological phenomena’s; while clinically there is a smaller amount of fact based evidence, that corroborates the facts needed to have a concrete hypothesis.
Intuition and the pineal gland are interrelated. Many spiritual gifts I once took for granted or was unclear about have proven to be very useful to me. There was once a time I was confused about many things that come easily for me. I now embrace those gifts. We are to use our spiritual gifts to serve in a positive manner. We are each created unique for a specific purpose in life. While some are in tune with their purpose, others have yet to figure out their purpose in life.
We should each take time daily to use for self-reflection. It gives a more clear insight of self. There are things someone else can see as special within another person, yet we seem to take those things for granted. There are many challenges in life and there will be things unknown to man, that cause discomfort. Those things are to prepare individuals for something better. It does seem like a cliché, however so true.
Many things I once found odd are just my gifts being manifest. The elevated levels of human consciousness, increased ability of the senses and sensitivity to the environment are just a few gifts that are God given abilities, that some of us take for granted. Let us be mindful to evaluate ourselves and narrow down the special gifts talents and abilities given to us.
Let us use those things to be a positive contributor to humanity and help this world to become a better place. I also see that being comfortable in your own skin can is what life is all about. When others are not comfortable with you being who you were created to be; they need to get in touch with themselves.
We will not make everyone in life happy, nor should we try to be people pleasers. Let us focus on cleaning up our own hearts and mind; until such time as the creator makes those changes for us. It will be a hard to try of your own mind and spirit. Let your thoughts become clear and focused on pure heart and mind. It is then your thoughts are no longer your own and you realize the things you possess within are greater than anything in this world.
It’s a beautiful thing to walk in a newness of spirit.

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