Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Responding Appropriately During Altercations

There are many ways to respond in a heated discussion. Nevertheless, sometimes we get angry. It is during these times, we should take a moment to collect our thoughts. I know it is easier said than done, however it prevents problems in the long run.

Many people use physical aggression as an outlet, in relationships and career. I see many headlines about abuse in relationships. What goes through your mind, when you feel the need to place your hands on an individual? Control or Anger?

These are the two most vital things that any one person can be thinking; in any situation where there is violence. Think about it. Just before you hit or assault someone, you get an emotional rush because of what is said or because you cannot get the other person to respond the way you desire them to. Right?
What is control?

  • what to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.
  • to hold in check; curb:
  • to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.
  • to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of
  • to check or regulate, originally by means of duplicate register.

Why is it necessary for you to have control over another person? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Those are two questions I had to ask myself at one point in my life. The answer to both was yes. You have to search within you, to be secure. No person can make you feel something that you do not already have within.

I think we are seeking someone to  give us something that we are missing in life. It is for a mate to add to those things we are already in possession of. A mate is in our lives to enrich our experience in life. If we are searching for a person to be our everything, that is why we are seeking control. Do not give up who you are or the things you like to do.

Now anger is a different story. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence 
aroused by a wrong or wrath.

How is it possible to have love or fondness for someone and and become angry? Your emotions are controlled by you. Attempting to control another person and becoming angry somehow does not resonate love. Be in control of your emotions.

Laughter is therapeutic. It may sound funny, but during those times you are becoming angry and your emotions are in turmoil, find something to laugh about. Master this ability. Think of the funniest thing imaginable. You'll be surprised how it can turn a negative into a Positive!

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Till next time.
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