Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How Do You Feel?

How you feel affects your body's ability to heal. There are many wonders within this world and all things truly are possible. Although our bodies have the ability to heal themselves; we have belief systems that will effect how this process works.

Think about this, for those who have a religious background; if we were created in his likeness, is it not possible for us to heal ourselves? Is it not possible for us to have power from within ourselves, to make miracles happen? Where is your faith? Is this what you believe?

It is the way we see ourselves that affects our abilities in life. We clearly must change our paradigm. It would not be possible to see things the way we once believed and be limitless. We were created to enjoy life with wealth, health, happiness, and all the material possessions we desire. We are to add to the well being of all humanity, choosing the things that make us happy.

The thought of living in lack is a facade that was created, to place limits on others. There is more to life than meets the eye. If these things were not possible, they would not come to mind. Things are first created within the mind, then made manifest into reality. Let us seek to see things from various perspectives.

The energy we give off from within our mind and with our physical bodies; aid in the ability to heal. If thoughts and intentions are genuine and pure of heart and mind, healing will manifest itself. You must master the ability to control your thoughts. Meditate regularly.

I am also not saying that things will not occur that make questions arise, but do not dwell on anything. Be cautious in what you share with others. Although you have genuine intentions, not everyone does. Be careful who you give your time to.

I would also like to thank my readers for taking the time to stop by and read my blog. I will be sure to post relevant content that you can use.

Till next time.

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