Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Teach To Think Independently in the Game of Life

It is said, "when you train a child right, they will grow up and not depart from those ways."

I was taught that you go to church and worship God. I was also taught, to work hard among other things. I saw and experienced things that a child should not. Many of those things increased and heightened my awareness. When you suppress your feelings and emotions, that causes things to do a few things. One may cause you to become terminally ill, from disease; or as in my case as an adult; my awareness has significantly increased. I am aware of things many people are not.

I had to part and remove myself from the practice of religion. I believe there is a God, however I see how people will use beliefs as an excuse to mistreat you and say they have "FALLEN SHORT". I don not see that as true. If you are a good person you don't treat me, how you want. You ask me how I want to be treated. I placed my emphasis on others first above myself. Now I am focused on My Goals, because you cannot truly help others, if you are placing your needs last. Love yourself 1st and everything else comes together.

Although, I believe things very different than I once did, others can still affect the progress you seek in your life. You must master not allowing others to be "ENERGY VAMPIRES". If someone can steal you're positive energy and give you their negativity, they will. Expel those negative Vibes, by openly Verbalizing Aloud, what you INTEND and DESIRE. The Universe will not allow a you to be denied of good intentions.

Listen carefully, before you respond to people. Sometimes others can be speaking negativity into your life. Listen carefully, respond slowly and react slowly. Always be mindful that although you have Good intentions, others may Not. Not pessimism, but a reality that does exist.

I will be editing a fourth version of my book. "How I overcame myself". There have been numerous failures, I have endured and overcome in two years. Many of those failures were intentionally inflicted, not only by my thought process, but also the desires of others, beyond my control. Sometimes people have good intentions, but they can also cause injury. You must be strong within mind and spirit to overcome afflictions not self imposed.

I find that not everyone will openly admit their wrong doings to others. They will not confess their part in strategic antagonistic manipulations, to obtain a desired result, that is in their best interest, because of your being a very valuable asset. Let it go. Remain at peace and overcome those wounds and use them as a fuel for the acceleration of the Goals in which you desire.
 Move forward with grace and confidence in YOU!

 GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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