Sunday, May 28, 2023


We each are conditioned to think a certain way. There is no one truth. There is diversity in knowledge but the same spirit, depending upon what you believe. Learn to be open to other bodies of knowledge. We are spiritual or energy beings living a human existence. Search for truth. All things work to help you improve mentally, spiritually and intellectually in life.

 Become your best, to live your best life for you! Get to know yourself. Spend time in nature and meditate. It was in studying Mind Valley, Meditation, Chakras, Yoga, exercise, a healthy diet, a gallon of water daily and scientific theorems, as well as biblical knowledge, Dianetics and numerous religion, I was able to help myself and others.

 A variety of knowledge helped me to ascend consciously and become conscious 24/7/365. It can be somewhat mentally exhausting if you hang out with the wrong crowd. Find those that think like you. This helps you to collaborate and communicate more effectively, with your peers. For as you think Shall it be unto you. Sigmund Freud says know your normal pattern of thinking as to not be inadvertently affected by the mindset of others.

 If you're a positive thinker, know when your thoughts deviate. If you are happy, notice when you are around those that are sad or angry. God's word says, "As a man think". What are you thinking about? Choose to be in the company of those that lift you up and don't pull you down. God says breeds created in his likeness and image. We Are Spiritual beings. our extra sensitive perception and mental communication abilities are astoundingly strong. know thyself.

 I have had a journal for 16 years to use as a Doctoral Thesis to become a Psychiatrist. Journaling helps to remember what you learn, as well as use as a tool to recall experiences and things learned. Learn to trust yourself and your intuition. We are each given gifts. We are each special. Use all things given to you for something good.

 What are the 3 categories of spiritual gifts? Gifts included here: “Faith” (1 Cor 12:9) “Gifts of healing” (1 Cor 12:9, 28) “Working of miracles” (1 Cor 12:10, 28) 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 KJV 

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. ( 

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Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Life can be amazing. Especially when you have to learn things the hard way. Being a late bloomer, 

you have insight on where you were, where you are and where you want to be. Many times when you 

wake up and realize there is more to life, you lose alot of people that were once in your life. If you are 

moving in the opposite direction from what is familiar, some will think you are strange, because you 

have grown.

    It is ok to be different. It is even more acceptable to have your own way of thinking. Once you 

realize your mind is functioning on both sides, at its peak, you stop worrying about what others think. 

It is easy to believe what people say about who they think you are, but when you realize you are not on 

the same level as everyone else, you start to think differently. Growth is apart of life.

    There will be many that cross your path, that will not stay on your journey. That is to be expected. 

Taking ownership for what you want in life, is your choice. When you have seen things in life that 

influenced your mindset and those things no longer serve you, get rid of them. Replace ignorance with 

knowledge and apply those things in your life. Practicing what we share with others and being mindful 

is how we accomplish this task.

    We do not have the luxury of choosing those we come into the world with. It is in realizing when 

you remove yourself from toxic influences, that we rise. How amazingly simple is it, to research, 

understand and apply theories in everyday life? It is easy if you understand the principle behind the 

theory. We hear clichés of great men, yet we think they hold no truth.

    Collective conscious can influence our behavior more than we realize. So choose those you want to 

be like to get advice from. You cannot do the same things you have always done and get the life you 

desire. With knowledge comes responsibility. When you reach a certain level of understanding it is 

expected that we make wiser decisions.

    If you have never had to think independently, there comes a time when you should. A mind is a 

terrible thing to waste. Why waste yours on things of no significance? Those that have always thought 

or behaved in a certain manner, are not experts in your life. They simply are experts in what is normal 

for themselves. You have the power to choose your normal. Let your normal be one you can be be 

happy with.

The thing that influence our mindset are:






    Never be afraid to step outside of what is familiar for what is better for you. We can adapt to things 

of no substance or we can choose things of substance that are useful to us. Making choices in life is our 

right. SO, make the right choices and watch how your life can change. Don't be afraid to stand alone. 

Sometimes, that's the wisest choice you can make. AUTONOMY!


We each are conditioned to think a certain way. There is no one truth. There is diversity in knowledge b...